Monday, June 8, 2015

A Building Again

Another year complete. I remember following my very first year of teaching saying to my mentor how fast the year had felt and she told me that they only seem to go faster.  I replied then I'm going to get old really quick! That has proved to be absolutely true.

As I walk the building, Displays are down, furniture is stacked, paperwork is signed, there is an overflowing shredding box and teachers and kids summers have begun.  I stand by my post from the beginning of the year. School is done for 14-15 and Eagle Ridge is merely a building until August 19 when teachers and students fill it again with the beauty of learning and instruction.  What makes a school a school is the people that fill it!  Parents and teacher pouring into our kids.  The relationships forged, the challenges faced, the achievements celebrated establish a reason to belong.  I saw that George Couros posted a piece regarding innovation and the need for love and
relationship.  It is absolutely true!  Great learning, innovation, etc. will never occur in a place where people don't feel they belong.  That is a mark of a great school, place where students, parents, staff and community feel they belong and the are a part of the great things happening!  That is the work we have been immersed in at Eagle Ridge the last three years and work that will continue!

It's time for new adventures. Summer  vacations, travels, visits, etc. Next year I begin a new adventure as assistant principal of Bear Creek Intermediate School. The act of leaving a school and community I dearly love is difficult. The last three years I have become attached to teacher, students and families as we have shared life together as a school community. Being a military brat, I do not fear change or moves.  I know the sorrow that comes in the act of leaving is balanced in the excitement for new learning, connections and opportunities to grow and make a difference in the lives of others.

I wish everyone a wonderful summer and that we return refreshed and ready to jump into the greatest and most important work there is!  Impacting and growing kids!

Happy Summer!


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