I came across this article a few days ago and tweeted it. It is a great overview of 21st century teaching foundations and practices. I'd encourage you to click & read it. #2 caught my eye particularly. It seems I've had many conversations over the last five (5) years or so surrounding this idea. And, many of these conversations were surrounding a misunderstanding of this idea and I'm thinking there are many out there that have had similar experiences.
I remember these conversations began when opening a new middle school campus. There would be a wealth of technology, but not 1:1. Our focus was to be more project based, but for some reason that immediately meant that everything we were going to do was group work. The discussion
I remember these conversations began when opening a new middle school campus. There would be a wealth of technology, but not 1:1. Our focus was to be more project based, but for some reason that immediately meant that everything we were going to do was group work. The discussion