Friday, October 17, 2014

Plan vs. Design

Below is a post from 2012 (just a few edits).  Probably one of the final posts from my previous site that I will pull to the new one.  Still relevant and a challenge we all should accept!

"When I look at nature I see design & patterns everywhere & know that designs don't happen by accident. There is a Designer." - Jon Gordon

If you don't follow Jon Gordon on Twitter, you should. Not only is the man a great writer and motivator, but he strikes me as a person that is just good to know. Maybe I'll get to know him one day. The tweet above was posted yesterday is just really struck a sweet chord with me on a number of different levels. On one level, it is difficult to look around and not see a beautiful design in action. The exquisiteness of creation is just too intricate to be random and by chance!

On another level, I think of the work we do with kids on a daily basis. Do we want to simply plan lessons or design experiences for kids??  Phil Schlechty talks about plan vs. design in the context of architecture and the program Extreme Home Makeover.  Each home is designed so carefully around the unique needs of the occupants: personally, physically, professionally. In our profession, we spend a great deal of time planning, and that is fine. Planning is an important step and has a vital role in the preparation of experiences for kids, but if we are truly interested in embedding 21st century skills in these experiences (and modelling them as well!!) we must be able to the step further into design. Design indicates a level of personalization, individualization, purpose and direction. There must be an underlying relationship that is present in order to ensure the design is appropriate.

When kids look at their school experience, will they see the "design & patterns everywhere"?  They should because "designs don't happen by accident"!  Let's be designers!

Fearfully and wonderfully made


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