Friday, September 26, 2014

One Word

As part of our beginning of the year kick off for school this year my principal challenged us to select and display one word that would describe our goal for the year, something that described us, or would tell a little bit about the journey that we were on at this point in time.  I took a little time to peruse Jon Gordon's book One Word to get a better feel for what exactly was a good thought process in selecting a word that carried this much weight and importance.  All the while, I was pretty sure I new what my word was:

I have blogged about thoughts from the book Difference numerous times already.  The book as made a pretty significant impact on the kind of instructional and organizational leader that I desire to be.  I've pulled out a couple key things that really struck me from  the book.

‘Difference thinking’ is more than the ability to connect the dots, though. It’s about seeing the truth, recognizing the opportunity in that truth and then acting on it. *
What makes a brand unique now is the difference it creates— how it affects people’s lives and becomes part of their story. When you are organised to create difference, not just to be different, the result is much harder to replicate. **
1. They practice empathy because they care enough to make an impact.
2. They have a clear sense of the change they want to make in the world.
6. They innovate and create at the edges, ignoring the market of everyone.
8. They understand that they need to give people a story to tell— a ‘you’ve gotta see this’ moment.***
My deepest desire is to create difference within the schools that I work within and make a difference in the lives of students, teachers and families that grace our building and make it a school!  I am highly motivated by this word and the ideas gained from this book.  Our students and families deserve this type of experience from me and I want to strive towards this end everyday this year and beyond!



* Jiwa, Bernadette (2014-02-03). Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing (Kindle Locations 98-100). The Story Of Telling Press. Kindle Edition.
**Jiwa, Bernadette (2014-02-03). Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing (Kindle Locations 280-281). The Story Of Telling Press. Kindle Edition.
***Jiwa, Bernadette (2014-02-03). Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing (Kindle Location 163-170). The Story Of Telling Press. Kindle Edition.

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