Meet the teacher and the first day of school are always some of my favorite days! It is energizing and motivating to see the kids' excitement, the smiles, the shared stories of summer adventures and imagine the possibilities that are the school year to come. More than that, when students and parents walk through that door, with whatever expectations or experiences, our building becomes a school once more.
While I was teaching, I also led worship in a church in College Station. We were on the verge of completing a building project and planning the first experiences and worship in that building. One of the students in our college ministry and I wanted to sit down and write a song that would keep things in perspective amongst the excitement of a new space to love on God's people! It was funny that when we sat down, all I could think of was that old kids song: "I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together..." You might know it (and it's stuck in
your head now!), you may not, but the point is that church is not a building, it is a body of believers loving on people! The song we ended up writing was amazing and one of my very favorites! (Based on Psalm 127)
I believe the same thing about schools. At the Keller I.S.D. Convocation, our school board president challenged our school community to engage for the benefit of our students and I'd like to share that charge with you! When you engage, whether volunteering, helping your kiddo with homework, asking questions, sharing experiences, teaching, opening car doors, snipping ketchup packets, you make our school better and the experience for our learners better! Our building is just a building until our families, our teachers, our students grace its hallways! We are the school together! It is this community of learners that makes a school more than the words on the building itself!
Make it an amazing year!
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